Personal Statements
Helping You Stand Out
The tone, content and specific topic of the personal statement is a critical part of the college application process. Despite much suggestion and advice, applicants often struggle to develop a statement that provides an interesting and authentic introduction to the reader. The purpose of this component of the application is to stand out and provide the reader with insights and perspectives beyond the transcript and standardized test scores. As part of our process, we will help you through multiple rounds of edits to develop and finalize a statement that showcases your individuality, talents, interests, and passions.
When an admissions counselor reads your statement, you want it to be memorable. You want to become a candidate with a message that distinguishes you from the thousands of other applicants being reviewed and evaluated. We will work with you to ensure that who you are and what makes you uniquely notable jumps off the page and enters the hearts and minds of the admissions committee. Our goal is to confirm that through your personal statement readers will embrace the very essence of who you are and why you should be a member of their student body.
The personal statement is the pathway through which an applicant can share a part of themselves with humor, creativity, honesty and purpose. It is the sole opportunity an applicant has to speak directly to those who will determine his/her admission outcome.
Give us a call at
267.253.5904 or 908.803.1621, and leave a message. We'll contact you.